Epigenetic Hair Analysis For Horses

Windsor Wellness Studio is thrilled to offer this NEW cutting-edge, non-invasive hair analysis service just for horses! Recently introduced to practitioners in Canada, this advanced technology provides a detailed report with remarkable results on the same day your horses hair sample is received.

Utilizing the Cell Wellbeing Hair Analysis Profiler, the bio-markers in your horses hair are digitized and securely transmitted to the lab in Hamburg, Germany. Within 15 minutes, we will provide you with a tailored, comprehensive, and easy-to-understand horse report.

Unlock the ultimate secret to your horse’s health and peak performance with the revolutionary Equestrian Hair Analysis report.

Though your horse can't speak, this advanced report reveals the intricate details of your horse's internal health.

If your goal is to boost your horse's overall well-being, enhance its performance, and improve agility, the Equestrian Hair Analysis provides the essential answers you've been looking for to ensure your horse excels in every aspect.

Each personal report is divided into 11 epigenetic indicators that cover over 800 influences including:

Immune System

Gut Health



Essential Fatty Acids

Amino Acids



Frequency Interference

Environmental Challenges

(Cleansing foods to support)

Resistance Indicators

(Resistance foods to support)

Each of the epigenetic indicators in the report will prioritize the relevance of these findings, ranging from Very High Relevance (Priority), High Relevance (Advisory), Moderate Relevance (Consideration), to Normal Relevancy (Normal).

Horse Hair Bulb

Mane and tail hairs are composed of fused, dead, keratinized cells, while the hair bulb is the bulbous structure at the base of the hair follicle. This bulb contains multiple layers of distinct cell types that extend through the follicle, including the germinal matrix, which is responsible for producing new hairs via mitosis, and the papilla of the hair, which houses numerous blood vessels that supply nutrients for hair growth. Hair serves as an extraordinary, nearly indestructible bio-marker, containing extensive personal information at a quantum epigenetic level.

The data within the hair bulb is digitally transmitted via a secure connection to our Technology Center in Hamburg, Germany. There, our advanced super-computer systems analyze the epigenetic information's relevance.

This process involves mapping over 800 key indicators to create comprehensive charts and tables that form the complete Immunity & Wellbeing Horse Report and 90-day plan.

Contemporary living conditions bring a host of influences that can impact your horses overall well-being. These include feed choices, nutrient absorption, supplements, and environmental factors in your barn, facility, and while travelling, collectively contributing to epigenetics.

Uncover the impact of environmental factors on your horses health in just

15- minutes with our non-invasive German technology.

Receive a tailored Optimize Wellness Report to unlock your horses epigenetic potential and enhance your horses overall health, agility, and performance.

Scientists Have Established

In 1942, Conrad Waddington introduced the concept of epigenetics, highlighting that environmental factors significantly influence the expression of genes and the development of phenotypes.

This field of study, known as epigenetics, reveals that while genes provide the blueprint, environmental influences such as diet, lifestyle, and stress can modify gene expression, thereby affecting health and development.

These insights pave the way for a transformative understanding where individuals can potentially influence their health outcomes through environmental and lifestyle choices, rather than being solely dictated by their genetic makeup.